Re: Diskokugel (icosahedron 2) [Updated]

I can’t believe how much time this took. I tried to find someone to help me weld theicosahedron but whatever I tried, something always went wrong. So, finally, I did it by myself. The result is pretty ugly (compared with how it started) and I guess I’ll have to invest some money to have someone professional do this once it proves to be a working concept. Thank god I don’t rely on my soldering talent to survive…

Not pretty. But robust.


I took a part of the frame and used some acrylic compound to attach some bodies to it. I am not quite satisfied with the looks of the compound. I’ll try black hot glue the next days. Another alternative could be silicone.

Then I started to solder shims to the points where the frame will be attached to the icosahedron. Lot of work. Lot of progress.

full view from above. You can see the icosahedron inside.
From the inside you can see the chrome bodies
another full view


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