
Faust – A Factory

Tuesday, August 26th, 2003

Live camera, VJ and production assistant for videos in the production of “Faust 2” at the Deutsches Nationaltheater Weimar.

Director: Hartmut Wickert


view gallery Wednesday, June 26th, 2002

Video project in an old army base Nohra/Weimar



view gallery Sunday, May 26th, 2002

Klanginstallation bei der Ausstellung zum Klangkunstfestival “Inventionen” 2002. In das Treppenhaus der alten Staatsbank in Berlin wurde eine 12m hohe Murmelbahn gebaut.

Sound installation for the “Inventionen” 2002  sound art festival. A marble run, 12 meters high, was built into the stairwell of the former federal bank building, Berlin.



Monday, February 26th, 2001

Puppet animation

on YouTube